Dry Bean Production in the Northeast
The Basics of Dry Bean Production: a presentation from Scott Bales, a dry bean specialist at Michigan State University:
The recorded videos for these webinars can be found at http://go.uvm.edu/conferences.
2023 GRAIN PRODUCTION WEBINAR SERIES – click to view details on the webinar series.
Past 2022 Grain Grower Series
We decided to not have an in-person conference again in 2022. Instead, NGGA and UVM NWCS offered three virtual programs with a series of videos, presentations, and hands-on activities, each highlighting a specific grain crop in the Northeast. View the Grain Grower Series brochure here. You can also see recorded videos from this series and other conferences being offered on the NWCS Conferences web page – http://go.uvm.edu/conferences.
RESILIENCE IN RYE – Included Ecological Rye Production with Sandy Syburg of White Oak Farm in Wisconsin, and Conditioning, Aeration, and Storage of Grain with Don Hosteler of Brock Grain Systems in Indiana
DYNAMIC DRY BEANS – Included Dynamic Dry Beans with Heather Darby (UVM) and Sarah Pethybridge, Kristen Loria, and Matthew Ryan of Cornell University.
THE ANATOMY OF WHEAT FLOUR – Participants received a box of materials that was mailed to them. Part 1, From the Field to the Lab with Heather Darby of UVM Extension, Carrie Brisson of King Arthur, Randy George of Red Hen Baking Co., and Jeffrey Hamelman of King Arthur. Part 2, From the Mill to the Bakery with Andrew Heyn of New American Stone Mills.