Northern Grain Growers Collaborative
NGGC is a vibrant network of growers, bakers, researchers, millers, maltsters, distillers, researchers, seed preservationists, and food system enthusiasts, rooted in Vermont. Our focus is on all aspects of grain production and on cultivating collaboration within the grain community across the northern region.
Our mission is to promote the growth and renewal of grain cultivation in the Northeast by supporting farmers through education, variety trials, and by building a network of collaborators throughout the grain economy.
Explore the diversity of grains and pulses that can grow in our region.
Here are some options for locating and sourcing local grains in the northeast.
Understanding grain quality is critical to providing a high-quality product.
2025 Grain Growers Conference
WHEN: Wednesday, March 12, 2025
TIME: 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
WHERE: The Essex Resort & Spa, 70 Essex Way, Essex, VT 05452
The agenda is being finalized and here are a few of the confirmed speakers:
Randy George, Co-owner of Red Hen Baking Co. in Middlesex, VT
Erik Andrus, Boundbrook Farm in Vergennes, VT
Mark Bernard, Barnyard Organics in PEI Canada
Matthew Dewavrin, Moulin des Cedres in Quebec
Thor Oechsner, Oechsner Farms in Newfield, NY
Laura Valli, University of Missouri
Participant and sponsor registration is open here.
Cost is $85 per person and $60 per Northern Grain Growers Collaborative (NGGC) member.
Grain Growers Conference sponsor information is available. We cannot offer exhibitor table opportunities due to space.
If you require an accommodation related to a disability, please contact UVM Student Accessibility Services at, or (802) 656-7753 as soon as possible.
The Northern Grain Growers Collaborative works in collaboration with the University of Vermont Extension Northwest Crops & Soils Program.